prenuptial agreement

美 [priːˌnʌpʃl əˈɡriːmənt]英 [priːˌnʌpʃl əˈɡriːmənt]
  • n.婚前协议(关于倘若离婚财产如何分割等)
prenuptial agreementprenuptial agreement


an agreement made by a couple before they get married in which they say how their money and property is to be divided if they get divorced

also informal prenup
  1. When considering a prenuptial agreement , couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances , 401K plans , bank accounts and real estate . But they should also discuss what to do about dogs , cats and other animals acquired before and during the marriage .


  2. These days many couples sign a prenuptial agreement to protect their assets .


  3. Here comes pet nup or pup nup , a prenuptial agreement that specifies of the couple 's pet or specifically dog in case of breakup .


  4. The rich man needs a prenuptial agreement before he is attached .


  5. Would you be willing to sign a prenuptial agreement ?


  6. If Cinderella were alive today , she would probably have a prenuptial agreement .


  7. How do you think of a prenuptial agreement ?


  8. Do not spring a prenuptial agreement at the wedding rehearsal dinner .


  9. Therefore , it is smart and realistic for bride to accept a prenuptial agreement .


  10. The existence of marriage and property acquired during the prenuptial agreement , binding on both parties .


  11. Then he popped another : ' Will you sign a prenuptial agreement ? '


  12. The filing stated the couple had a prenuptial agreement , but no details were provided .


  13. Americans were evenly split on whether it is a good idea to have a prenuptial agreement before getting married .


  14. To establish a system of prenuptial agreement and separation of marital properties will help to eliminate the inharmonies .


  15. From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed ,


  16. You signed a prenuptial agreement .


  17. Prenuptial agreement , had served as a Western imported goods , many people viewed as a direct example of marriage linked with the money .


  18. All Things D also reported that , according to sources , they have a prenuptial agreement and that their split and potential divorce would have no impact on Google .


  19. With your partner , develop an " emotional prenuptial agreement " that outlines how you 'll handle children , money , trust issues , and division of labor .


  20. According to court documents obtained by gossip website TMZ , the pair signed a prenuptial agreement prior to their marriage , which saw their assets divided in half .


  21. Faced with the prospect of their child marrying someone " unsuitable ", wealthy parents usually resort to one of two options : engineer a breakup or demand a prenuptial agreement .


  22. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely , but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage .


  23. Kobe married Vanessa in 2001 at Dana Point , California , when he was 21 and she was 18 , and reportedly without a prenuptial agreement .


  24. Egyptian couples were even known to negotiate an ancient prenuptial agreement . These contracts listed all the property and wealth the woman had brought into the marriage and guaranteed that she would be compensated for it in the event of a divorce .


  25. That morning , Luo gave several papers to Li , saying it was their prenuptial marital agreement .


  26. The reason was simple : Xu ` s parents , who bought his apartment and car , insisted on a prenuptial property agreement so he would not lose the property in case of divorce .


  27. " Prenuptial " and " Agreement " are NOT bad words !
